2025 Project: Invitation Set

Create an invitation set using the provided die line and project specifications.

The overall goal of this year’s project is to provide students with the opportunity to create a professionally printed invitation design. This project is to be used as an educational tool for students to develop their personal style, while mastering many of the skills needed to print a cohesive piece. The students’ finished pieces will feature an invitation pocket folder containing 3 staggered inserts.

The winning student(s) will be awarded at least $500 in cash scholarship. In years past, there have been 2-3 winners.

Suggested Copy Points:

This is an invitation to a fictitious event (or real) of your choosing. For an invitation to be successful you will need to provide a time, date, place, and any other information that would be relevant to the invitee. It could be for a wedding, birthday party, gallery opening, or any kind of celebration that you would invite people to attend. The idea for this project is really open to your imagination and creativity.

Required Copy:

The invitation design must contain the below text and the Lawton logo.

Printed courtesy of Lawton
[Lawton logo]


Use high quality images – Invest the time and effort into staging, lighting and shooting photos if you can’t find stock imagery that fits your needs. Aim for 300+ dpi images.

PROOFREAD! This sounds obvious, but we can’t tell you how many times we’ve seen work with typos. People may never compliment you on having all the words spelled correctly and accurate grammar, but they will definitely notice mistakes. That is a no-go for most employers and clients. Have a friend or a classmate review your work. Sometimes when you’ve looked at something for too long, you miss the most obvious mistakes.


Student pieces will be judged on the following key elements:

  • The design aesthetic of the folder and the inserts are cohesive and have a unique, clear point of view.
  • The die line was used correctly and document has bleed.
  • Required copy is included.
  • Overall design elements such as typeface, balance, imagery, professionalism, etc.
  • Clean file submission in a PDF format.
  • Entry is creative, innovative, and unique.
  • Entry is engaging and appropriate.
  • Entry meets high professional standards, is organized, and free of errors.


Files due by:

Thursday, March 6, 2025, by noon.
You can submit your files here.


Scholarship Reception & Awards:

Wednesday, March 12, 2025
4:00 pm
at Lawton located at
4111 E. Mission Ave, 99202


Unfolded with pocket 15.125” x 10.5”
Folds to 5.5” x 8.75”
Pocket: 4.125” with .85” tabs on top and bottom sides

Largest 5.3635” x 8.6”
Middle 4.925” x 8.6”
Smallest 4.5” x 8.6”

Full Color, full bleed on all above pieces. Orientation (vertical or horizontal) is up to the designer.

The above will be printed on 80# uncoated cover stock.

9″ x 6″ Booklet Envelope
Full color, 1-sided printing, must have space for mailing panel as if this will be sent through the USPS mail.
Horizontal with flap on the top of long side

Technical Requirements:
Minimum of 1/8” bleed on all sides of all pages.

All submitted PDF entries must be exported using the “High Quality Print” option. Remember to click on the box to “Use Document Bleed Settings” if your project has bleed.

All submissions must be in PDF format, no native files.

All jobs must be in CMYK (if your images are originally RGB, convert to CMYK and make appropriate color corrections/adjustments before creating your final PDF to avoid dramatic color shifts.

Ink saturation must be less than 280%. (If you want a rich black, color build is C20 M20 Y20 K100)

Don’t forget to remove the die line from your art before submitting your files.


Die Line:
Download the PDF here.

The die line is the outside of the folder. Front Cover is on the far right side. Please do not place any ink on the outside tab area to allow for gluing.

Lawton Logo:
Download Lawton Logo here.


Contact Caty or Jackie if you have any questions about this project. We are happy to answer any questions, review your design, and give you feedback before the final due date.